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Image of Press Release #59


Air Race Classic registration opens in one month. Start planning your team now!

December 1, 2017

Every year, there are women pilots who want to fly the Air Race Classic but don't have a race partner. If this describes you, you can start forming your team by posting on the Air Race Classic racer blog.

The first step is to create an ARC account if you don't already have one. This will ensure you receive the ARC eFlyby and other important information about the race.

Then, register as an ARC racer (available after noon Eastern Time Jan. 2, 2018). There's no charge or obligation, and you'll be one step ahead when you find your race partner.

Even if you don't register as a racer, you can still post on the ARC blog.

The blog is available on the Air Race Classic website ( by going to "2018 Race" at the top and then clicking "Racer Blogspot," or through this link:

Just go to the "Need a Race Partner?" page and post your information, including your flight experience, home airfield, team position you would like to fill (Pilot, Co-pilot, or Teammate), make and model of the airplane you want to enter in the race (if you have one), race experience and contact information.

You can also check out our Facebook page:

Hope to see you in Sweetwater!

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