Airplane Search

Welcome! Search the ARC database for airplanes across one or more event types (ARC, AWTAR/Powder Puff Derby, and/or ARC Air Derby), within a range of event years and/or a range of finish codes and status codes.

You may further narrow your search using the second section of criteria. To search for airplanes, click the blue Search Airplanes button at the bottom of the search criteria fields.

Click on the i symbol for Tool Tips to assist with your criteria selections.

A summary of the results will display at the top of the page, including the number of entries that meet your criteria. You can then choose to export the list of selected airplanes to Excel for further organizing and analysis.

Search Criteria

Numeric Fields

Numeric Fields such as the Event Year or Horsepower permit entries as follows:

  1. Single Numbers (individual numbers such as 1991 or 200 or >50)
    1. > (greater than)
    2. >= (greater than or equal to)
    3. < (less than)
    4. <= (less than or equal to)
  2. Number Range (1991-1998), no spaces
  3. List of Numbers (1977, 1980, 1999), separated by commas and spaces
  4. Combination of the above (2000, 2005-2008, 2012-2015)

Alphanumeric Fields

  1. Dropdown option lists are used to select some criteria, such as Airplane Make and Category. You can choose one or more from the list by clicking on each option one at a time. To remove an option, click on the small x in the upper left-hand corner of the listed option. The list will show only those options that are used within the airplane database.
  2. Radio buttons are used to designate a single option, such as Engine #: Single (single engine airplanes), Twin (twin engine airplanes) or N/A (not applicable, no selection based on this criteria).


Select one or more events to search for the planes registered in the:

Air Race Classic race event
All Woman Transcontinental Air Race event
ARC Air Derby event


Enter a single event year, a range, a list, or a combination of years (see instructions at the top of this page). The Event buttons to the right of this field may be used to auto-populate the range of years an event occurred.

Air Race Classic race 1977-2024
All Woman Transcontinental Air Race 1947-1977
ARC Air Derby 2021-2024


Select one or more codes:

Includes airplanes flown by teams who achieved any numeric place in the event.
Did Not Start includes airplanes flown by teams who scratched from the event.
Did Not Finish includes airplanes flown by teams who withdrew from the event.
Disqualified includes airplanes flown by teams who completed the event but were disqualified with a rule infraction.
Finish No Place includes airplanes flown by teams who completed the event but were not assigned a numeric place.


Select one or more codes:

the team began and completed the event.
the team registered for the event, but the competitor dropped off a team (or the entire team dropped out) before the event began.
the team created a registration but did not complete the registration before registration closed.
the team registered for the event but backed out of the event before the event began.
the team began the event but withdrew before completion.

Registration Number

Refine search results by choosing one or more airplane registration numbers from the list. The list includes only those airplane registration numbers entered in one or more events.

Year Built

Refine search results by specifying a single build year, a range, a list, or a combination of numbers (see instructions at the top of this page).


Refine search results by specifying a single horsepower, a range, a list, or a combination of numbers (see instructions at the top of this page).


Refine search results by entering the finish place (race standing) assigned to the team who flew the airplane. Enter a single finish place number, a range, a list, or a combination of numbers (see instructions at the top of this page).


Refine search results by specifying a handicap value, a range, a list, or a combination of numbers (see instructions at the top of this page). Select the radio button to indicate whether the handicap is in miles per hour (MPH) or knots.


Refine search results by specifying one or more airplane makes or make/model combinations from the list. The list populates makes or make/model combinations based on the airplanes entered in one or more events.

Engine Make

Refine search results by specifying one or more engine makes (manufacturers) from the list. The list shows those engine makes used by the airplanes entered in one or more events.


Refine search results by selecting one or more airplane category or category/type combinations from the list.

# of Engines

Refine search results based on the number of engines on the airplane: single (one engine) or twin (two engines). Select N/A to include both single and twin-engine airplanes in search results or select the radio button for single or twin.

Landing Gear

Refine search results based on the landing gear on the airplane. Select N/A to include both fixed gear and retractable gear in search results or select the radio button of the specific type to limit search results.

Some information is still being created. If you have any revisions to report, please contact .

Featured Sponsors

Wexford County Airport
Bartlesville Municipal Airport
Omar N. Bradley Regional Airport
Dodge City Regional Airport
La Porte Municipal Airport
Owatonna Degner Regional Airport
Bult Field
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